Statements From Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins And Senator Jim Gaughran on Jim's Reelection Victory

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

November 18, 2020

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, “I offer my heartfelt congratulations to Senator Jim Gaughran on his reelection. Since first joining the Senate in 2018, as part of the historic freshman class that helped flip the Chamber to Democratic control, Jim has been an outspoken advocate for his constituents, and for the needs of his community. Jim’s chairmanship of the Local Governments Committee has been a source of leadership and stability for local governments throughout the state as they struggle with this pandemic, economic crisis, and uncertainty from Washington. I am thrilled that the 5th Senate District voters have returned Jim Gaughran to the Democratic Majority.”

Senator Jim Gaughran said, “I am humbled to be reelected by the residents of the 5th Senate District and I thank them for their support. During my first term in office, I worked tirelessly on behalf of Long Islanders and I am proud to have delivered real results -- from a permanent property tax cap to support for small businesses navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. I will keep fighting for my constituents, for Long Island, and for all of New York State and I thank the voters for giving me the opportunity to continue to serve them.”