4/3 Coronavirus Update
Senator David Carlucci
April 3, 2020
- COVID-19

Dear Neighbor, Rockland and Westchester Counties have seen a significant increase in COVID-19 cases and deaths sadly in a short period of time. We need residents to stay inside, avoid gatherings of any size, practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently with soap and water. I recommend residents wear a mask or scarf when going outside. To date, Rockland has had 3,751 positive cases up 2,057 in less than a week. While in Westchester, there have been 11,567 positive cases as of Thursday, up by 3,048 in four days. COVID-19 deaths in Rockland have more than doubled since Monday when they stood at 18, jumping to 42 on Thursday. In Westchester, 19 deaths were reported on Monday, and then more than tripled to 67 on Thursday. We mourn the life of every New Yorker lost. The State only has enough ventilators stockpiled to last about 6 days so the State is taking extraordinary measures. The Governor will sign an executive order, allowing the State to take ventilators and PPE from institutions who do not need them. The institutions will either get the ventilators back or the State will reimburse them. The State is also ending elective surgeries that require ventilators and using BiPAP machines, which are non-invasive ventilators. The DOH has approved Northwell's new protocol, allowing these BiPAP machines to be converted into ventilators during the crisis. Northwell will be teaching other hospitals how to do this. We still do not have adequate levels of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ahead of the apex at the hospitals in Rockland and Westchester Counties. I have been in constant contact with the Governor's office to express the urgency here. I also have been calling on the President to enforce the Defense Production Act now to require U.S. industry manufacture critical PPE, and then distribute based on need. Our health care heroes are on front lines of this crisis and are not adequately equipped with the supplies necessary to keep them safe. If you agree that the Federal Government should take action, please sign 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East's petition: http://ow.ly/MZw050z40za. In Rockland, if you see a violation of the State Executive Order on social gatherings, you should immediately contact the County Health Department at (845) 364-2585. In Westchester, you can call: (866) 588-0195. If this does not prove successful, the Governor has set up the New York State PAUSE Enforcement Assistance Task Force to help local authorities. You can file a complaint regarding the operation of non-essential businesses here: https://mylicense.custhelp.com/app/ask or you can call their 24 hour hotline at: (833) 789-0470. Entities in violation of the State's executive order can be fined up to $2,000 per violation per day. Commonly Asked Questions on COVID-19: https://health.westchestergov.com/images/stories/PDF/20200317nyscovid.pdf For the latest updates, you can:
If you have questions or concerns please remember, my entire staff is here for you working remotely. Residents can call either (845) 623-3627 or (914) 941-2054 between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to speak with a district representative, if you have a problem or question in these difficult times. You can also email me directly, anytime at carlucci@nysenate.gov. Sincerely, David Carlucci For Daily Updates, visit my website at www.SenatorCarlucci.com or follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. |
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