Senator Ranzenhofer's Health Fair Newsletter
September 29, 2020
- Health Fair
- Health
- wellness

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during these turbulent and trying times.
Hosting the Family Health Fair for the past 9 years at the Amherst Center for Senior Services has been a tremendous honor and privilege. It has always been one of my favorite events to host and attend because I got to know so many people by seeing and talking with them and their families every year. Many of you, I know, used our resources to improve your health. I heard many stories of screenings, provided free of charge at our health fair, providing important, and at times even lifesaving, information.
I am deeply saddened that we will have to cancel this year’s event. The health, wellbeing and safety of our community is the foundation of our health fair and we cannot put that in jeopardy. I hope you will understand. The Senior Center and our Senate office decided that canceling this year’s event was best for everyone’s health due to the fact that we have over 1000 visitors, more than 100 vendors and dozens of Senior Center staff and volunteers packed into the building.
A huge thank you to the staff of the Amherst Center for Senior Services for their dedication to our community and for making the event a success each and every year. Thank you to all the vendors who participate and provide free health screenings. Thank you to Kaleida Health for being a Community Sponsor and for the work you are currently doing for our community. A special thank you to all who have come to the health fair over the years.
In light of this cancellation, Kaleida, the Senior Center and I wanted to share this important health information with you.
It has been my pleasure to host an event that was enjoyed by so many. As many of you know, this would have been my final health fair, as I will not be seeking re-election in November.
I wish you and your family continued health and safety throughout the remainder of this unprecedented pandemic.
Below are videos from Kaleida providers who normally attend our Health Fair. Thank you to Kaleida for providing this valuable information.
Impact of COVID on Children and Returning to School Safely
Effect of COVID on Diabetic Patients
Reflux Disease/GERD and the Latest Treatments
Bariatric Surgery and the Patients that Benefit
Heart Disease and How it Affects Women More
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