Re-Opening Plan Must Follow Health & Safety Guidelines

As we work to reopen our economy and our communities, New York State should do so as quickly as possible consistent with appropriate public health standards.
As the infection rate and risk factors (density, lifestyle, etc.) for COVID-19 vary greatly across the state, a regional approach should be used to determine which business sectors can reopen and the appropriate level of public health screening and protective measures that should apply.
The Federal government has come up with a three phase strategy for reopening individual states which is based on coronavirus trends and leaves the timing up to state and local governments. OSHA has developed a business risk assessment model consistent with CDC guidelines and standards that can maximize personal and public safety. A bipartisan group of members of Congress released a multi-prong, data driven proposal focused on reopening America safely and reigniting the economy.
We can use this guidance, consistent with available science and data, to plan now. It is time for the Governor to present a specific, detailed, transparent plan to reopen New York as quickly and carefully as possible consistent with appropriate health and safety protocols.
Our physical health, our economic health and our freedom require that we start now.