Good Dog! Meet Juno, Ontario County’s Courthouse Facility Dog

Pamela Helming

July 6, 2021

Juno Ontario County

Senator Pam Helming recently visited with Ontario County District Attorney Jim Ritts to meet Juno, Ontario County’s new courthouse facility dog.

Senator Helming worked with DA Ritts to draft legislation (S.4616) that would expand the use of courthouse facility dogs in New York State. Courthouse facility dogs are professionally trained to assist crime victims and witnesses, and are used nationwide in prosecutor offices, family and specialty courts, and child advocacy centers. They provide calm and comfort during what can be a stressful experience for young and vulnerable individuals.

Juno began her work in April has already supported a dozen crime victims, most of them children.

Special thanks to Juno's main handler, Victim Assistance Officer Haley Vanderhoof, and Juno’s additional handler, DA Investigator Greg Shaffer.