Senator Helming Honors MyLinh Johnson of Sodus as an “Essential Woman”

Pamela Helming

June 25, 2021

Senator Helming Honors MyLinh Johnson

During Women’s History Month in March, each member of the Legislative Women’s Caucus was invited to honor one woman from her district as an “Essential Woman of New York State.” Senator Helming’s honoree is MyLinh Johnson of Sodus. Senator Helming recently visited MyLinh at Sodus Elementary School, where she is a Special Education Aide, to present her with a New York State Senate Commendation Award and a New York State Senate Proclamation.

“MyLinh dedicates her life to supporting local children and helping them be the best they can be, from her work with the Sodus Central School District to the numerous responsibilities and projects she continually takes on to support local children and families,” said Senator Helming. “MyLinh is a shining example of an exceptional leader, always there with her signature positive and upbeat attitude to contribute or lend a hand, and, doing so quietly, without seeking attention or recognition. I am proud to honor MyLinh and I thank her for her many contributions to the Sodus community.”

MyLinh is also a business partner in multiple family businesses serving the Sodus community, including Johnson Fruit Farm and Danny’s Dugout Ice Cream Shop.