Senator Helming Recognizes DuMond Farms for Contributions to Ag Industry
November 4, 2021

Senator Pam Helming recently visited Todd DuMond of DuMond Farms and DuMond Ag in Cayuga County for an update on the DuMond Grain soybean processing facility which has expanded in recent years.
From soybeans, DuMond Grain extrudes natural soybean oil and soybean meal that is used by local farms, especially dairy farms, as more affordable feed for livestock animals.
According to the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture, Cayuga County has the most soybean farms in New York State.
Senator Helming recognized Todd DuMond and his team for their commitment to environmental stewardship, a cornerstone of their business.
Senator Helming said, “Todd DuMond is passionate about helping local farmers succeed and I commend him for his commitment to advancing innovation that supports growers throughout Central New York and the state. DuMond Grain provides area soybean growers with a processing facility close to home, which saves them from costly transportation and helps increase demand and the prices they can get for their crops. A special thank you to Dave Grusenmeyer and Eileen Maher of the New York Farm Viability Institute (NYFVI) for organizing this tour. NYFVI enables critical agricultural research projects that assist farmers in making use of emerging technologies and implementing sustainable practices and environmental protections.”