Community Update: Vaccine Information, Nursing Homes Protections, and New Legislation to Hold Utilities Accountable
February 26, 2021

Dear Friends:
I hope you and your family have weathered the recent snow storms well.
This week, as part of an Emergency Storm Response legislative package, the New York State Senate passed my bill to strengthen the Public Service Commission's (PSC) enforcement powers surrounding failures of utility providers in storm recovery efforts. The failed storm response to Tropical Storm Isaias during the summer of 2020 was a turning point for legislative colleagues and constituents. We promised we would deliver meaningful change that would lead to better outcomes for ratepayers & customers, and we have now adopted a comprehensive package of legislation to do just that. Read more about the bills included in the Emergency Storm Response legislative package in the section below.
On Monday, February 22nd, I was pleased to support a package of critical legislation to improve care for our most vulnerable and to strengthen New York’s oversight and enforcement activity over nursing homes and other adult care facilities. Included in this package are bills that ensure at least 70% of a nursing home facility’s revenue is spent on direct patient care; require the development of visitation policies that permit loved ones to visit under certain difficult circumstances; strengthen the Ombudsman program to assist families seeking answers about the care of their loved ones; and require that deaths by nursing home residents at hospitals are recorded to reflect their nursing home address, among other measures. My colleagues and I are committed to protecting our vulnerable seniors in every way possible, and I am so pleased that this package is moving towards enactment. Read more about the bills included in this legislative package in the section below.
On Wednesday, February 24th, I was glad to join Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins in co-hosting an event commemorating Black History Month regarding Reaching Health Equity in the Black community. Thank you to the fantastic panelists who shared their research and personal stories about how we can remove barriers and create opportunities to dismantle health disparities. If you were not able to join us, click here to watch this important discussion.
As always, if there is anything my office can assist you with, please don't hesitate to email me at smayer@nysenate.gov or call (914) 934-5250.
Warm regards,
Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District