O’Mara, Senate GOP colleagues unveil ‘Reset New York’ strategy: Set stage for priorities, proposals for 2021 legislative session

Senator O'Mara joined members of the Senate GOP Conference at the Capitol today to unveil a "Reset New York State" strategy.
The Senate GOP plans to be a voice for local economies, taxpayers, job creators, workers, and communities — and to work against any moves toward an even more high-taxing, out-of-control spending approach to state government.

Albany, N.Y., January 5—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) today joined his Senate Republican colleagues to unveil a “Reset New York State” agenda to begin spelling out the conference’s priorities for the new legislative session getting underway this week.

O’Mara stressed that the Senate GOP plans to be a voice for local economies, taxpayers, job creators, workers, and communities — and to work against what O’Mara views as a devastating move toward an even more high-taxing, out-of-control spending approach to state government.

O’Mara said, “I look forward throughout this new legislative session to our Senate Republican Conference giving voice to the need for rebuilding local economies, focusing on stronger and safer communities, and resisting what threatens to be a devastating expansion of a business-as-usual, tax-and-spend direction in state government. This ‘Reset New York’ strategy highlights our commitment to more fiscally responsible, commonsense government that works better for taxpayers, builds and protects livelihoods, honors public safety and security, and focuses like never before on the restoration of Upstate’s rightful place in New York government.”

The Senate GOP blueprint was outlined at a news conference today at the Capitol. It highlights several broad strategies to address mounting economic and fiscal challenges facing communities statewide -- many of which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic -- and to help forge a better path forward for all New Yorkers.

Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt of Western New York said, “Under New York’s one-party control, we have seen a dramatic and unwelcome shift in our state’s priorities. Democrats displayed no interest in rebuilding our local economy, lessening the financial burden on our middle class, or stemming the ever-increasing outflow of New York residents fleeing our state. They sought to release dangerous criminals into our communities, undermine our law enforcement, and waste millions of dollars on progressive agenda items. The COVID-19 pandemic has only highlighted the need for immediate action on the unresolved challenges facing our small business community and New York’s hard-working taxpayers.”

O’Mara said that Senate Republicans plan to introduce and focus on specific proposals throughout the coming weeks and months that prioritize restarting local economies, rethinking the operation of state government, and renewing a commitment to stronger, safer, and revitalized communities.

The broad outline of the overall strategy seeks to:

Restart Local Economies by:

> Safely reopening small businesses to help them get back on their feet, get their employees back to work, and offer employment opportunities for local residents;

> Ensuring that schools and colleges stay open; and

> Making renewed investments in infrastructure – including broadband, and local roads and bridges-- to rebuild the state’s competitiveness.

Rethink the Operation of New York State government by:

> Addressing New York’s long-standing reputation as a high cost of living state;

> Restoring fiscal responsibility and confronting state government’s culture of overspending; and

> Reasserting the Legislature’s constitutional authority as an equal branch of government.

Renew New York State’s Commitment to Local Residents by:

> Fostering the growth of vibrant local communities;

> Developing a robust economy with diverse opportunities; and

> Creating safer neighborhoods with commonsense public safety measures.