Statement from Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt and Senator O'Mara: Cop killers should not be serving on "police reform" boards
March 31, 2021
- Police reform

Following news reports this week that a paroled cop-killer has been serving on the city of Ithaca's Police Reform Board (read more HERE, and HERE), New York State Senate Republican Leader Robert Ortt and Senator Tom O'Mara released the following statement:
"The appointment of NYPD cop killer Richard Rivera to one of Governor Cuomo’s so-called 'Police Reform' boards in Ithaca and Tompkins County is a punch in the gut to police officers around New York State and their families. We understand the importance of second chances. But a second chance should never include giving power over police reform to a cold-blooded criminal who killed a member of our law enforcement community execution-style. It is completely inappropriate, and he should be removed immediately.
"Mr. Rivera never should have been appointed to this police reform board. The only value he brings is a shock factor to appease anti-police activists. We proudly support our men and women in law enforcement. These attacks against our police must stop."
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