Statement from Senator O'Mara on the ending of most COVID-related restrictions in New York State

Thomas F. O'Mara

June 15, 2021

Moving forward in New York State cannot be left to the risk of Governor Cuomo continuing to abuse the powers of his office and state resources for his ongoing political survival and legacy building. 
The work of rebuilding and restoring the lives of our communities should begin in earnest now and it needs to be delivered through local decision-making.  We have reached the point of being able to fully declare an end to the state of emergency that has ruled our lives since last March.  We have reached the point of fully rescinding Governor Cuomo’s unilateral emergency powers.

Elmira, N.Y., June 15—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) released the following statement today on the ending of most COVID-related restrictions across New York State:

“We have said throughout the past fifteen months, and it bears repeating, that communities throughout the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions, and throughout New York State, could not have kept moving forward without the compassion, perseverance, sacrifice, and undeniable strength of frontline workers, essential employees and volunteers in health care, agriculture, businesses large and small, law enforcement and public safety, education, community and social services, and so many other fields. Our gratitude to all of you cannot be measured and your example will continue to show the way to a better and stronger future.

“We have demonstrated that by working together, pulling for each other, and staying informed, our communities will be resilient and never lose hope in recovering.

“The work of rebuilding and restoring the lives of our communities should begin in earnest now and it needs to be delivered through local decision-making.  We have reached the point of being able to fully declare an end to the state of emergency that has ruled our lives since last March.  We have reached the point of fully rescinding Governor Cuomo’s unilateral emergency powers.

“It is time to restore legislative checks and balances, and local input.

“Moving forward in New York State cannot be left to the risk of Governor Cuomo continuing to abuse the powers of his office and state resources for his ongoing political survival and legacy building. 

“The multiple investigations and scandals surrounding the Cuomo administration, and the tragic shortcomings of one-man rule throughout this pandemic, have already done more than enough to darken the skies over New York State in ways that no amount of fireworks could ever erase.”