Statement by Senator O'Mara on Governor Cuomo's latest State of Emergency declaration

Thomas F. O'Mara

July 6, 2021

We saw the failures of state government by Cuomo executive order throughout the COVID-19 crisis and our local Upstate communities, economies, workers and taxpayers will be paying the price for years to come.
Governor Cuomo is making it clear where New York State is headed under his continued reign – from one emergency disaster declaration to the next so that he and he alone can keep on issuing executive orders, controlling public policy, infringing on constitutional rights and individual liberties, dictating the allocation of taxpayer dollars, and running this entire state out of Albany. 


Elmira, N.Y., July 6—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats) released the following statement following today’s action by Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring a State of Emergency on gun violence:

“Governor Cuomo is making it clear where New York State is headed under his continued reign – from one emergency disaster declaration to the next so that he and he alone can keep on issuing executive orders, controlling public policy, infringing on constitutional rights and individual liberties, dictating the allocation of taxpayer dollars, and running this entire state out of Albany.  We saw the failures of state government by Cuomo executive order throughout the COVID-19 crisis and our local Upstate communities, economies, workers and taxpayers will be paying the price for years to come.  The most serious state of emergency in New York is Governor Cuomo’s ongoing abuses of power for political and personal gain.  It doesn’t take another Cuomo executive order to know that rising crime and violence, and weakened public safety and security, is the result of the pro-criminal policies being enacted and pushed by this governor and a State Legislature under one-party control.  They have emboldened the criminal element throughout this state through failed bail reform, lenient parole policies, an out-of-control Parole Board, a growing ‘defund the police’ movement, and an overall careless approach to criminal justice.”