Statement from Senator Brad Hoylman on Judge Janet DiFiore Stepping Down

Brad Hoylman-Sigal

July 11, 2022

State Senator Brad Hoylman, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said: The Chief Judge has led the court system through an extremely difficult period in its history and was responsible for many administrative reforms that will have a lasting impact, including the Excellence Initiative and acknowledging racial bias within the court system by commissioning the Jeh Johnson report. Unfortunately, however, over the last several years, the Court of Appeals has become increasingly out of step with the needs and desires of New Yorkers on issues such as workers’ rights, criminal justice, and tenants’ rights. It's time for a new direction in our judicial branch. As the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I’m resolute that the Chief Judge's replacement must be a jurist who will lead our Court of Appeals in a much-needed course correction that uplifts the vulnerable and ensures equity and justice for all.”