Port Authority Acts on Lanza-Reilly Legislation to Study Alignment of Aging Outerbridge Crossing with $8.3 Million Commitment
September 25, 2023

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Senator Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island) and Assemblyman Michael Reilly (R,C-Staten Island) announced today that the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) has acted on his legislation requiring the quasi-governmental authority to study the alignment of the 95-year-old Outerbridge Crossing, which spans the Arthur Kill connecting Staten Island, NY and Perth Amboy, NJ. The legislation passed both chambers of the New York State Legislature in 2021 and was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul later that year.
“Yesterday the Port Authority Board authorized $8.3 million dollars to study the widening of the Outerbridge as per the joint legislative recommendation sponsored by myself and Assemblyman Reilly,” said Lanza. “This brings us one step closer to a new bridge crossing which will meet modern safety and traffic standards. As the Outerbridge approaches 100 years of service, it is important that this vital link to the mainland is improved to meet today‘s needs for Staten Island. I thank Assemblyman Reilly and the Port Authority for their partnership towards this progress.”
At a meeting on September 21st, PANYNJ Commissioners approved $8.3 million in spending to commence a feasibility study examining the structural modifications and potential property acquisitions, among other costs, to widen the bridge to current federal standards. Additionally, following a publicly advertised Request for Proposals (RFP) process, PANYNJ Commissioners voted to authorize a contract with the firm Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C. to perform expert professional architectural and engineering services.
“It’s been a long time coming, but I am excited to see that we are finally making progress on our mission to replace the antiquated Outerbridge Crossing with an enhanced state-of-the-art span that is worthy of being a gateway to the great Empire State,” said Reilly. “With innovative new industries making their home on Staten Island’s South Shore, maintaining an unobstructed connection to the rest of the region through the 440 corridor remains a top priority of mine. I want to thank Governor Hochul, as well as Executive Director Cotton and the Port Authority, for following through on their commitment to make this a priority as well.”