News 10: $45 Million for non-public schools to keep students safer
Jamie DeLine
November 8, 2023
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)—With a rise in Anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim threats, the state is allocating $45 million dollars to keep non-public schools safer.
“This funding is going to alleviate that burden whether that’s cost of guards extra cameras but really, I think the immediate need is for personnel to be a deterrent and making sure that nothing happens,” Sydney Altfield, Executive Director of Teach NYS.
The reimbursement money was originally supposed to be available for schools to apply for in April of 2024.
“We have been pressing to get this money out the door and not wait until April,” Senator Shelley Mayer, Chair of Senate Education Committee. “And actually have it get out without people applying, and now it’s gonna be on a per student basis. Every school that is a non-public school, not just religious schools, every non-public school that is organized under the State Education Department is going to get this money.”
Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris said this isn’t enough.
“We really need to add another $45 million on top of the current 45 going into next years budget,” said Gianaris.
Lawmakers on both sides of the isle and in both chambers are calling for the additional $45 million. The Assembly sent a letter to Governor Hochul just last week, asking her to consider it.