Community Update: Celebrating Women's History Month, Bills Passing, in the Community
Senator Shelley Mayer
March 26, 2024
Dear Friends,
The last two weeks in Albany have been extremely busy!
As we continue to negotiate to reach an agreed-upon budget, the Senate takes up other bills and our committees continue to meet. I’ve also been busy continuing to speak up and rally against the Governor’s proposed cuts to the education budget, which results in significant losses to many districts, and far less than anticipated to others. The Senate’s One-House budget, which we passed recently, fully restored the Governor’s cuts to Foundation Aid and provided a minimum three percent increase to every district, invested in universal school meals, expanded and improved pre-K, increased support for afterschool, and provided additional support to the schools that serve our most vulnerable children. I’m hopeful these provisions will survive in the final, agreed-upon, and balanced budget. But the fight is not over and I was pleased to join my County Legislative colleagues who all strongly support this effort. If you share my deep concern about public school funding, I urge you to contact the Governor to express the dire need to restore the cuts in the final enacted budget, as both the Senate and Assembly proposed. You can reach the Governor at 1-518-474-8390 or by completing this form.
Last week, I was deeply humbled to introduce Ronen and Orna Neutra of Plainview, Long Island, on the floor of the NYS Senate. We honored their courage and resilience as they fight for the release of their son, Omer, who was taken hostage by Hamas on October 7, as well as the other hostages still being held. My remarks are here.
In addition, last week I was honored that our Port Chester public officials traveled to Albany to discuss the pressing issues facing that community, including improvement of our state roads, funding for critical projects, attention to flooding, etc. I thank Mayor Luis Marino, Trustees Joan Grangeois-Thomas, Phil Dorazio, Juliana Alzate, and Village Manager Stuart Rabin for joining me for an important discussion.
Saturday, even in the driving rain, we had a wonderful Celebration of Women's Art and Cultural Expressions jointly sponsored by Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Arts Westchester, and my office. The four women artists - poets, singers, and oral speakers, touched all our hearts and reminded us of the tremendous power of art in our lives and our communities. Thank you to all who ventured out - it was truly worth it. Pictures of the event are included below.
Of course, I continue to participate in as many events in the district as possible, given our Albany schedule, but I welcome your invitations or calendar notices so I can be present in every place I am fortunate to represent.
If there is anything my office can assist you with, please email me at smayer@nysenate.gov or call (914) 934-5250.
Warm regards,
Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District
Read the full Community Update here.