January 27, 2025
Enclosed herewith is the “Staff Analysis of the FY 2026 Executive Budget.” It is intended to assist the members of the Finance Committee and the Senate as a whole, in our deliberations. We hope that our readers find it useful.
The analysis of the Executive Budget begins with a summary of the spending plan. It then offers an explanation of proposed changes that affect receipts and provides for Senate Issues in Focus. Finally, it provides a summary of the Executive’s Article VII language bills submitted as part of the Executive Budget. The report provides an analysis of the appropriations recommended this year and an analysis of the governor’s recommendations.
Each member of the Senate Finance Committee devotes considerable time and effort to the passage of a budget that serves the interest of every New Yorker. I am most grateful for their cooperation. It is also a pleasure to thank the staffs of both the Senate Finance Committee, and the Counsel and Program Office, whose assistance has been invaluable.
Ranking Member, Finance
May 20, 2013