Senator Parker Strongly Supports The Cfe Master's Recommendations For Funding New York City Schools
Hopeful that New York City schoolchildren will finally be able to obtain the education they deserve, State Senator Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) said today that he was estactic to learn of the CFE Master’s recommendations to increase aid to City schools. "The argument over whether City schools deserve a fair share of the state education aid has gone on for way too long. After ten long years of the legislature failing to serve these children, we have finally come to a resolution," said Senator Parker.
Senator Parker noted the Special Master’s decision to provide $5.63 billion in additional state operating aid over four years and $9.2 billion for facilities is a terrific start for New York City schools and particularly Brooklyn’s schoolchildren.
Senator Parker continued, "The Governor and the legislative leaders have wasted too much time arguing over the merits of the CFE as we lose a chance to educate a whole generation of City school kids. It is time to allocate these much needed funds. The decision has been made, and I sincerely hope that the time for bickering and dysfunction has ended, and the time for serving the best interests of our children has begun. Replace the arguing with action, and let’s get these funds into the classrooms."
It has been a long road to this decision since the original lawsuit was filed in 1999. "Although I am disappointed it took this long for a decision to be finalized, I am thrilled with the outcome," said Senator Parker. "The schoolchildren in Brooklyn will be able to continue their pursuit of a first rate education with the proper assistance from the State of New York."