Senator Marcellino And Assemblyman Towns Introduce The "new York National Guard Homefront Relief Act"

Carl L Marcellino

State Senator Carl L. Marcellino (R, Syosset) and Assemblyman Darryl Towns (D, Brooklyn) have introduced the "New York National Guard Homefront Relief Act" (S.925-A). This bill would provide critical financial support for New York National Guard troops and their families by having the State pay for $250,000 of life insurance for every active member of the State’s National Guard.

"In every major war since the Revolution, our citizen soldiers have been paying for the price of our freedom with their blood. I believe that our State should be there for those New Yorkers who have paid the ultimate price. While no amount of money will lessen the pain of military families who lose a loved one in this war against terrorism, this plan will help those National Guard families with the wherewithal to plan for their futures," said Senator Marcellino.

"In keeping with the spirit of the New York State Patriot Plans 1 and 2, this proposal is an effort to continue our commitment to the brave men and women serving in the

Under the "New York National Guard Homefront Relief Act" all active members of the New York State National Guard would be eligible for a free $250,000 life insurance policy. All premiums would be paid for by the State at no cost to the Guard membership. The Superintendent of the Insurance Department would actually implement the program. Currently, there are 5,549 New Yorkers who are active with the National Guard.

"New York has lost 13 members of the National Guard since beginning the war on terror. Now, in memory of our friends and neighbors who have given their all for our great nation, we are protecting the economic health of the families of future fallen heroes. Anyone can say that they hold our citizen soldiers close to their hearts, but the Empire State will be there to help put our families back together when they are shattered by the loss of a loved one who gave their all for our freedom," continued Senator Marcellino.

"As you may know, New York State was the first in the nation to provide new and enhanced benefits to New York State military personnel to minimize the disruption that military activation may cause in their lives and their families. Among the measures was the New York State supplemental burial allowance program to help defray the cost of burial of a resident who died in combat. The "New York National Guard Homefront Relief Act" enhances this provision for those loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice," concluded Assemblyman Towns.
