Senator Dale M. Volker & Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth Secures $15,000 For Elma Conservation Club

Dale M. Volker

(Depew, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-C-I, Depew) and Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth (R-C, Elma) today announced that they have secured $15,000 in state financial assistance for the Town of Elma. The funds will assist in the construction of a walkway to make the shoreline of the Elma Conservation Club’s Lake handicapped accessible. Senator Volker and Assemblywoman Wirth secured these funds as part of the adopted 2005-2006 State Budget.

"The Elma Conservation Club has been a tremendous benefit in educating our residents the ideals of wildlife conservation, and the need to be good stewards of our natural resources and the environment," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "Supervisor Nolan and several members of the Elma Conservation Club contacted me requesting financial assistance for the construction of a handicapped walkway to allow those in wheelchairs and other disabilities to participate and enjoy our natural surroundings. It is without question a project that I firmly support and I and Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth are honored to have been able to secure $15,000 is state funding for this project."

Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth said, "The Elma Conservation Club has a proud history of helping others in our communities, who often have limited means and/or face physical and mental challenges. It is one of the finest not-for-profit environmental organizations that I have had the pleasure in knowing. They continue to educate and inform the public that we all must be vigilant in protecting our natural resources so that all New Yorkers can enjoy and participate in its beauty. I am very pleased to have been helpful in securing these state resources."

"I would like to thank Senator Volker and Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth for their assistance and support in securing these state funds and bringing this project closer to fruition," said Michael P. Nolan, Supervisor of the Town of Elma. "This is a wonderful example of public-private cooperation in order to reach a common goal of allowing those within our communities with physical and mental challenges the opportunity to participate and interact with our natural resources."

The $15,000 in state funds secured by Senator Dale M. Volker and Assemblywoman Sandra Lee Wirth will be utilized to construct a handicapped walkway along a portion of the shoreline. This would make the shoreline more accessible to those confined to wheelchairs and to those who use walkers and crutches, as well as make the area in question much safer for the physically handicapped.
