Statement By Senator Dale M. Volker On The Erie County Nursing Home
(Albany, New York) "The Erie County Nursing Home will not close. We all understand that Erie County is financially challenged and must find ways to balance its budget. However, closing the Erie County Nursing Home is not one of them. Any proposal to close the Erie County Nursing Home is not in the best interest of the residents of Erie County, many of whom depend on the services provided by Erie County to protect and care for our mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Additionally, any proposed closure must be approved the New York State Department of Health before any closure takes place. I have been notified that this has not occurred."
"I would strongly recommend that scare tactics directed toward the disabled and the elderly not be used in an effort to gain political points on various revenue proposals to address Erie County’s Budget shortfall. We must all continue to be civil during these trying times and begin to focus on a realistic approach to address revenue and spending limits so that Erie County can bring itself back to financial stability"