Applications For Volunteer Fire Protection Grants Available

Elmira, N.Y.-- State Senator George H. Winner, Jr. (R-C, Elmira) today said that area volunteer fire departments can currently apply for funding through the state-administered Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant program.
Application packets are available by contacting Winner’s district office in Elmira.
The competitive grant program, administered by the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), will distribute $300,000 to New York’s rural fire companies this year. The 50/50 matching funds program seeks to help rural companies purchase firefighting equipment.
"It’s an enormous challenge for many volunteer fire companies to be able to keep pace with equipment needs and provide training. This grant program offers some valuable assistance," said Winner, noting that the program makes funds available for the purchase of small equipment such as portable backpack pumps, protective clothing and portable radios.
Winner said that applications must be returned to DEC’s Division of Forest Protection and Fire Management by May 15, 2005.
Information packets and applications are available from Winner’s Elmira office by visiting 228 Lake Street, by calling 607-732-2765, or by writing to P.O. Box 588, Elmira, New York 14902.
Click below on CONTACT INFO to submit e-mail requests.
Additional information can also be found on the DEC web site.