New Law Establishes Internet Posting Of Prescription Drug Prices

George Winner

Albany, N.Y.-

Legislation co-sponsored by Senator George H. Winner, Jr. (R-C, Elmira) and approved in the closing days of this year’s legislative session to require the state Health Department to post pharmacy prescription drug price lists on its web site, has been signed into law by Governor George E. Pataki.

The new online prescription drug price list will be the first of its kind in the nation.

"The new online list will make it easier for senior citizens to locate the most affordable prescription drug prices in their area," said Winner, who met earlier this year with Betty Vondracek, legislative coordinator for Elmira AARP Chapter 276, and other local AARP members who visited the Capitol to lobby for the drug price list legislation and other drug affordability issues.

Previous law required pharmacies to produce a weekly, updated prescription drug price list and make copies of the list available to consumers who came into the pharmacy and requested it. The new law will require pharmacies to provide an electronic copy of this weekly list to the state Health Department. The department will then post the list on its web site, searchable by zip code and other factors.

Winner said that the electronic list will make it easier for seniors and others to comparison shop and locate the most affordable drug prices among local pharmacies. Signs will be posted in pharmacies to notify consumers that the list is available online at the Health Department web site.

Winneradded that state legislators will also be monitoring the list's implementation and will notify constituentsas soon asit's available.

"New Yorkers with no prescription drug coverage unfortunately have to pay the highest prices at the pharmacy counter," said Lois Aronstein, AARP New York State Director. "This legislation will help consumers find the best prices on their prescription drugs at a nearby pharmacy by allowing them to review and compare prices on the Internet."