Senator Farley And Governor Pataki Announce $4 Million For Telemedicin Initiatve

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R,C - Schenectady) joined Governor George E. Pataki in announcing that nearly $4 million will be provided to 30 home care agencies across the State under the Telemedicine Demonstration Project, which will identify new technologies and help improve quality of care and disease management for home care patients across the State.
"New York is recognized as a leader in advancing initiatives that help fortify our world-class health care system," Governor Pataki said. "As we look to restructure our health care system we are also committed to increasing health care options for New Yorkers, including expanded access to home health care and related-outpatient services. The State's new telemedicine initiative will provide the new and innovative links to our health care system for all New Yorkers."
Telemedicine allows physicians and patients to communicate in separate locations through various means, including the use of telecommunications and web-based technologies. Health care providers will have the capability to access patient medical records electronically and update those records in consultation with patients on a continual basis in their homes.
Community Health Center of St. Mary's Hospital and Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is slated to receive $149,990. The organization recently was awarded a $40,000 grant through Senator Farley for a new facility to be located in the Riverfront Center in Amsterdam that will offer respite to caregivers of elderly loved ones, and also serve as a senior day care center focusing on education, wellness, recreation and activity.Called the Community Health Center Senior Day Care Facility, it will be able to provide more than 10,000 hours of daycare per year.
The Telemedicine Demonstration Project, administered by the State Department of Health (DOH), will identify new technologies and help improve quality of care and disease management for home care patients. More specifically, the pilot initiative will serve as a critical component in New York's efforts to further increase access to quality health care for residents living in rural areas of the state, as well as to those who are primarily home-bound due to chronic health conditions and/or disabilities.
State Health Commissioner Antonia C. Novello, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.P.H, said, "Governor Pataki's leadership in advancing health care initiatives in New York is a primary reason why our State remains on the cutting-edge of health care innovations. The pilot telemedicine initiative will bolster our technological capabilities and bring quality health care into the homes of patients across the State."
The following home care agencies have been awarded funding under this
Western Region
Livingston County Department of Health Agency, $58,000
Visiting Nurse Service of Rochester & Monroe County, Inc., $120,945
Visiting Nurse Association of Western New York, Inc., $150,000
Lifetime Care, $142,396
Community Care of Western New York Inc., Home Care & Hospice, $136,945
Metro NY Region
Metropolitan Jewish Home Care, $149,938
Montefiore Home Health Agency, $128,422
St. Vincent Catholic Medical Centers Home Health Agency, $140,316
Family Care Service Society of Yonkers, $125,000
Elder Serve Licensed Home Care Service Agency, Inc., $ 130,600
Hebrew Hospital Home, Long Term Home Health Care Program, $124,553
Revival Home Health Care, Brooklyn, $133,200
Americare Certified Special Services, Inc., $135,200
Personal Touch Home Aides of New York, Inc., $141,040
Lutheran Long Term Home Health Care Program, $132,100
The Jewish Home & Hospital for Aged, $143,618
Isabella Home Nursing Home Inc., $147,995
LI Region
Brookhaven Memorial Hospital Home Health Agency, $125,042
Suffolk County DOHS, Bureau of Public Health Nursing, $142,435
Winthrop-University Hospital Home Health Agency, $105,088
Southshore Home Health Services, $120,987
Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care & Rehabilitation, $149,870
Central Region
At Home Care, Inc., $117,125
Visiting Nurse Association of Central New York, Inc., $143,828
Capital Region
Community Health Center of St. Mary's Hospital and Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home, $149,990
Eddy Visiting Nurse Association/Wesley VNA, $149,687
VNA of Albany, Inc., VNA of Saratoga and VNA of Rensselaer, $140,452
St Peter's Hospital Home Care, $149,976
Warren County Health Services, $108,600
Lower Hudson Valley Region
Hudson Valley Home Care Inc. (Certified), $124,722