Senator Farley Congratulates Local Participants In Statewide Environmental Contest

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R,C - Schenectady) is extremely proud of students from Amsterdam's Tecler Elementary School, Corinth Central School and Schenectady's Yates Arts in Education Magnet School for their interest in protecting the environment.
"For the past several years, students from these schools have participated in the New York State Senate's annual I*MA*GREEN*NATION awards celebration and every time they do, they submit excellent work," Senator Farley said. "In fact, Yates won first place in the audio and video Division 2 by producing an outstanding video on recycling. I am not surprised they were champions in this environmental awareness competition. Among the goals of Yates school are to provide an arts-driven curriculum and to graduate students who are creative and respectful of their surroundings."
Students from Tecler created literature and brochures about recycling while Corinth students produced recycling posters. "Their work was top quality, just like their predecessors from past years. I hope these schools continue to participate in this terrific program," Senator Farley said.
"The event recognizes students in grades one through eight who have undertaken special projects learning about our environment, while offering them a chance to share their ideas with others from throughout the State," Senator Farley added. The Statewide competition included presentations of ideas and solutions to the problems of solid waste reduction and encouraging recycling. Entries were judged for imagination, subject matter and creativity.
Corinth students who came to Albany on May 10th to visit Senator Farley and participate in I*MA*GREEN*NATION included Blake Basmajian, Madison Bovee, Jarred Butler, Marissa Colson, Courtney Densmore, Justin Dumas, Tanner Flint, Kaylee Giordano, Brannon Lambert, Ashleigh Lemelin, Hannah Murphy, Alycia Nicholson, Zackery Shippee, Emily Tromblee, Nathan Woodcock, Ashley Marcotte, Erika Spieldenner and Fiona Wohlfarth. Chaperones on the trip included teacher JoAnn Schuh, Kathy Densmore, Sandy Flint, Sharon Giordano, Tammy Lemelin, Chris Murphy and Daryl Wohlfarth.
Tecler participants were Alison Packer, Courtney Fisher, Casey Pabis and Geena Sollecitto.
Students from Yates Magnet School that participated included Chris Walcott, Shawn Minarik, Jesus Campos, Medina Faizy, Simi Berliner, Anthony Valentin, Erick Campos, Sarah Sharifipour, Amanda Lasher, Emma Guilfoyle, Kevin Kissoon and Evan Van Court-Wels. Their teacher, Mike Feurstein, won the raffle for a recycled computer. As the winner, he will take the computer back to Yates to use in his classroom.
"I know that our entire community shares my pride in these young people who have shown a remarkable awareness and concern for the important environmental challenges that we all face in making our State a better, cleaner place."