Senator Alesi Bill Strengthens Penalty For DWI Offenses Involving Children

James S. Alesi

Senator Jim Alesi (R,C - Perinton) today announced that the Senate passed legislation he sponsored which would strengthen existing DWI law by adding an additional crime to the charges intoxicated drivers would face if they are transporting minors at the time of the offense.


"Driving while intoxicated is an extremely serious crime that is associated with high rates of accidents, injuries, and fatalities," said Senator Alesi. "I authored this bill as a means of further deterring those individuals who carelessly endanger the lives of innocent passengers through their own reckless actions."

The bill (S.965) would make persons guilty of endangering the welfare of a child if they commit an alcohol-related offense with a child under the age of seventeen in the vehicle at the time of arrest. The crime, which is a Class A misdemeanor, carries a penalty of up to one-year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

Senator Alesi is already well known as a strong leader in the fight against drunk driving. The Senator was the original author of New York’s toughest repeat DWI law, and he has since cosponsored such measures as Sean’s Law, tougher sentences for repeat DWI offenders, and a reduction from .10 to .08 in the minimum BAC level necessary to be convicted of DWI.