Senator Alesi Legislation To Require Carbon Monoxide Detectors In Multiple Dwellings
Senator Jim Alesi (R/C-Perinton) today announced that the Senate passed a bill (S.3059) that would require the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in multiple dwellings that are either rented or leased, or serve as the temporary or permanent home of three or more families living independently of each other.
"Carbon monoxide is extremely dangerous because it is virtually undetectable, even when a person is alert and awake," said Senator Alesi. "This legislation would provide both landlords and tenants with the piece of mind that their homes are safe and secure, and prevent further tragedies from occurring."
On January 4, 2003, Daniel J. Watson of Rochester died in his apartment from carbon monoxide intoxication. This law would be named "Daniel's Law" in his honor with the intent of saving lives in the future.
As with smoke detector/fire alarms many years ago, carbon monoxide alarms have earned the respect of the fire service as a valuable tool in the saving of lives. Everyone recognizes that carbon monoxide kills if not responded to immediately. Chapter 257 of the Laws of 2002 required carbon monoxide alarms be installed in one and two family dwellings and in condominiums and cooperatives that are constructed or sold in order to prevent the loss of life. This bill requires multiple dwelling units of three or more families to install carbon monoxide alarms as well.