Bonacic: Pass Mohawk Casino Bill With Local Protections

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I - Mt. Hope), said the Legislature should, with a community fund amendment he is prepared to offer, pass legislation developed by the Governor which would settle the Mohawk land claim.

“Our Senate hearings made it clear that the economics and needs of Sullivan County have changed dramatically in the past four years. Housing costs are up 97%, law enforcement costs were not fully considered when developing the contract with the Mohawks, and no commitment has been made with respect to I-86 upgrades.”

“All of these factors must be considered when determining what the true local impact costs are. The Governor took great steps to address these issues when he provided for a local community development fund. It is my hope that we can finalize a Mohawk casino bill with the Governor’s original fund concept in it.”