Legislation Inspired By Local Veteran Becomes Law

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) announced today that his legislation, Senate bill 618, was signed into law. The measure, which encourages the display of the POW/MIA Flag at every State Police facility was inspired by a Sullivan County veteran, Al Etkin.
"This is a token of our appreciation for the tremendous sacrifies made by the men and women who fought for our freedom," stated Senator Bonacic. "It is important for future generations to fully understand what those sacrifices were; the POW/MIA flag on display is an appropriate reminder."
Al Etkin of Sullivan County is the 3rd District Commander of the American Legion Department of New York. He is a Korean War veteran and a fierce advocate on behalf of all of our veterans, as well as the troops currently serving in the military.
Senate bill 618 was supported by the Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers and the American Legion. It was signed into law on August 2nd.
Mr. Etkin stated, "This legislation is important to our veteran community and to support the public awareness of the POW/MIA situation in our Empire State. We appreciate the efforts and support of Senator Bonacic and Assemblywoman Gunther. The new law certifies and helps keep the American POW/MIAs alive and in the conscience of the American people."
"I was pleased to sponsor this bill and to see that it became law," concluded Senator Bonacic.