Senator Joe Robach Announces Irish Scholarship Essay Contest
Senator Joe Robach is pleased to announce the 2005-06 academic year competition for two scholarships being sponsored by the New York State American-Irish Legislators Society. New York State high school juniors and seniors are eligible to compete for these scholarships by submitting a 1000 word essay describing "The Impact of the Irish on Politics in America" along with a cover sheet and a letter of nomination from a teacher or a guidance counselor.
The scholarships, to be used at an accredited New York state college, include a first place award of $1,500 and a second place award of $750.
In addition to the essay and a letter from a teacher or guidance counselor, entries must include a cover form which can be picked up at Senator Joe Robach’s office at 2300 West Ridge Road or 2340 Monroe Avenue.
"This essay contest provides a fantastic way for teenagers to learn about the Irish heritage and how it has influenced the American culture" stated Senator Robach. "I am proud to be a part of the American Irish Legislators Society which helps our youth not only learn about Irish history but also provides money to help them pursue their education."
All entries must be postmarked by April 15, 2005 and submitted to:
American-Irish Legislators Society
Legislative Office Building - Room 648
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12248