Senator Joe Robach Informs Constituents About Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts
Senator Robach today announced constituents can assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi by making cash donations to voluntary relief organizations.
According to the federal government, cash donations are the most helpful to victims of Hurricane Katrina in Gulf Coast states because it allows volunteer agencies to issue cash vouchers to victims so they can meet their needs. In addition, cash donations allow agencies to avoid the labor intensive need to store, sort, pack and distribute donated goods, as well as the high costs of shipping donated goods by air or sea.
Volunteer agencies also provide a wide variety of services after disasters, such as clean up, childcare, housing repair, crisis counseling, sheltering and food. Below is a list of phone numbers set up solely for cash donations, if you’d like to contribute to disaster relief efforts for our fellow Americans in the Gulf Coast States.
American Red Cross
1-800-HELP NOW (435-7669) English,
1-800-257-7575 Spanish;
Operation Blessing 1-800-436-6348
Americas Second Harvest 1-800-344-8070