Senator Robach Announces The Signing Of Campaign Finance Reform Bill
Senator Robach announced today that the Governor signed a campaign finance reform bill that will extend computerized disclosure requirements to local races and improve public access to campaign finance records.
"Computerizing local records will enable the public to have better access to campaign finance records as well as state board of elections to better monitor and enforce campaign contribution limits" stated Senator Robach. "As a state legislator, I have been a longtime advocate for giving the public greater access to these important documents."
Under the new law, a candidate or campaign committee will be required to file its financial disclosure statements on computer disk with the State Board of Elections and in paper format with their county board of elections, or in electronic format if the county provides for electronic filing.
The filings would be posted by the State Board of Elections on the web to ensure public access to the documents. In addition, the electronic filings will help the State Board determine if any local campaign finance law have been violated.
In 1997, legislation was adopted requiring the state board of elections to develop and maintain an electronic reporting system to process statements of campaign receipts, contributions, transfers, and expenditures filed by candidates and committees of statewide elections only.
The new law requiring electronic filing of local campaign finance statements will take effect on January 1, 2006.