Senator Parker Denounces Legislation Requiring "authorized Presence" In The United States To Obtain Driver's License

Kevin S. Parker

Saying that some members of the Senate Majority "continue to cast undocumented aliens in a very poor light," State Senator Kevin S. Parker (D-Brooklyn) today criticized the passage of Senate Bill 407, legislation that would require applicants for a driver’s license to submit proof that he or she is a legal resident of the United States.

"The Senate Majority for some reason continues to pass bills that try to single out immigrants, individuals whose sole purpose is to make better lives for themselves," Senator Parker said.

The Brooklyn lawmaker, who chairs the SenateMinority Task Force on New Americans, added that the presence of undocumented aliens in this country has been far from detrimental.

"Despite what some of my colleagues would have you believe, these individuals have played important roles in the economies of cities, towns and villages, by driving trucks, caring for our children and working on farms. Those are three of a countless number of examples of what undocumented aliens do to keep our economy running on a daily basis," Senator Parker noted.

The Senator added that he understands that a New York State driver’s license would eventually become an invalid form of federal identification if legislation addressing the issue of fradulent licenses is not passed.

"While New Yorkers have legitimate concerns about their security, we are casting a very wide net that is certain to have far more unintended victims than people who are up to no good. It is beyond time that we get serious about our security, and join the Assembly and Governor in the discussion and passage of meaningful legislation, not just something that looks good in a press release," Senator Parker concluded.