Golden Encourages Local High School Seniors To Apply To S.u.n.y. Maritime Cadet Program
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District) is encouraging local high school seniors to apply for admission to the State University of New York Maritime College through the Cadet Appointment Program. As a member of the State Senate, Marty Golden can nominate two qualified New York State residents to the Program, which is a full four-year scholarship, from the communities within the 22nd SenateDistrict.
To qualify for the Cadet Appointment Program scholarship, applicants must: 1) Be a citizen of the United States and have New York State and have New York State residency for at least 1 year prior to the student’s enrollment to SUNY Maritime College; 2) Be a high school graduate or within one year of graduation at the time the application is filed; 3) Must be at the time of admission a first-time, first-year college student; 4) Demonstrate academic excellence which includes a Grade Point Average of 90% (3.5) and a combined SAT score at or above 1200; 5) Demonstrate evidence of leadership skills throughout extracurricular activities and school/community involvement; 6) Meet the College’s general admissions requirements and participate in the Regiments of Cadets and license program.
To apply, one may contact Senator Marty Golden’s Office at (718) 238-6044 or via e-mail at golden@senate.state.ny.us or the Office of Admissions for the Maritime College Application. Senator Golden’s office or the College will mail interested applicants a view book and information, as well as the Cadet Appointment Program Application. The materials must be postmarked to SUNY Maritime by March 15, 2004.
The applications received from the 22nd Senate District will then be presented to Senator Golden for his review and selection. Senator Golden has established a committee which will meet with prospective candidates and review applications.
"The programs offered at SUNY Maritime are excellent in performance, reputation and provide the essentials which are key to laying the groundwork for a bright future," said Senator Golden, "I encourage interested applicants to apply for this scholarship program. SUNY Maritime is "Unique, Prestigious and Focused," and within our local high schools, we have many students who are exactly that. The opportunities are unlimited," said Senator Golden.
The maritime industry encompasses a broad spectrum of activities. It is an international business that requires expertise in finance and logistics to administer. Further, it requires highly skilled, resourceful and disciplined operators for its principal agents-ships. All the academic programs of the Maritime College incorporate hands-on experience and real world applications. Programs include: International Business, Engineering, Marine Environmental Science, Humanities, and Summers At Sea.