Senator Golden: 79th Street Playground, Community's Newest Park Treasure, To Open This Weekend
Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is announcing that the newly renovated
79th Street Playground within Shore Road Park, approximately 1.3 acres located at 79th Street and
Shore Road, will reopen this weekend following extensive renovations and enhancements costing
$1,000,000. Senator Golden, as a member of the New York City Council, allocated the necessary funding towards the reconstruction of this playground.
The reconstruction of the 79th Street Playground includes new play equipment for toddlers, for 4-7 year olds, and for 7-12 year olds, with checkered safety surfaces. There are also brand new kindergarten and play swings, a lily pad spray shower with frog spray features. There is a new perennial garden (with black-eyed susans, purple cone flowers, purple echinacea, blue veronica, and daylilies), tables and chairs, benches and 2 cast iron water fountains. Three new basketball courts with new color seal coat and basketball backstops are also part of this park rehabilitation along with new concrete asphalt and concrete pavement and curbs.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "As the summer begins and as the school year ends, what better time for a brand new playground to open in this community. I applaud the Parks Department and Commissioner Jules Spiegel for this masterpiece which has been created on Shore Road. The children of this community, the basketball players of this community, and those that enjoy our beautiful Shore Road Park are all winners today. A great community treasure has been opened for all of us to enjoy."
State Senator Marty Golden, who as a member of the New York City Council ranked first in funding for both parks and libraries, had previously allocated $500,000 to the funds for the design and renovation of the comfort station adjacent to the playground as well as allocating funding towards the renovation of the ball fields north of the playground in 2002.