Senator Golden Calls Denial Of Holocaust By Iranian President Incredulous
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is denouncing remarks made by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which he calls the Holocaust "a myth" and questions whether the Nazi killings of six million European Jews during World War II occurred. Ahmadinejad went on to urge the destruction of Israel calling for Israel to "be wiped off the map".
An outraged Senator Marty Golden today stated, "Statements such as this from the leadership of such a highly visible nation as Iran is both irresponsible and incendiary. If the world remains silent and permits statements like this to go unchallenged, we will be dooming ourselves to repeat the mistakes of the past. We need leaders who will offer us the hope of peace in 21st Century, not another century of hatred and bigotry."
Senator Golden continued, "I have met individuals who survived the Holocaust, who lost relatives in the concentration camps, who were beaten and abused. The Holocaust was a very real part of this world’s history, and those who do not respect, do not believe, and doubt the fact that six million individuals died, should consider their place and purpose here on this earth."