Senator Golden Congratulates New Chairman Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District), a member of the State Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Veteran Affairs, and Homeland Security, today sent a letter of congratulations to the newly appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, who was born in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn.
In his letter, Golden wrote, "You know, only the bestcome from Brooklyn, and you are one of the finest."Golden invited General Peter Pace to come home to Bay Ridge.
The complete text of the letter is below.
October 1, 2005General Peter Pace
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
U.S. Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20310
Dear General Pace,
Congratulations and Greetings from Brooklyn! We here in Bay Ridge, and throughout Brooklyn, are so very proud of your appointment to serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We are confident in your ability to lead and to serve in this most important role.
News of your selection as Chairman has spread rapidly throughout this neighborhood. Stories of your attendance at Public School 104, your baptism at St. Patrick’s Church, or how when you were a child you used to play in our local parks and playgrounds, are being told by many who call Bay Ridge and Brooklyn home. You know, only the best come from Brooklyn, and you are one of the finest.
I know that your training and your career has prepared you for the challenges that lie ahead. May you continue to serve the United States of America in the noblest manner in which you have in the past. May you lead our country to times of peace and security.
So on behalf of this community, I write to extend our best wishes for your success and to welcome you to come home to Bay Ridge.
May God Bless You and May God Bless America. Congratulations!
Martin J. Golden
State Senator