Senator Golden Invites Community To Visit His District Offices
Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden (R-C, 22nd District) today is announcing that he will be hosting open houses at both of his District Offices next weekend to provide an opportunity for community residents to meet Senator Golden and his staff and provide an informative and fun filled afternoon. Senator Golden and his staff will be available to answer questions and assist in resolving community issues of concern.
The open house for his District Office located at 7403-5th Avenue will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2005 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The open house for his District Office located at 3610 Quentin Road will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2005 from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
The open house at Senator Golden’s District Office at 7403-5th Avenue will feature the following: the Police and Fire Departments, the AARP of New York, Maimonides Medical Center providing free blood pressure screenings, representatives of the Bensonhurst Senior Assistance Center, information regarding SCRIE, food stamps and HEAP, a representative from Access-A-Ride, a representative from the NYC Human Resources Administration and the New York Rangers Tour Bus has been invited. McDonald’s Corporation will provide refreshments and toys for the children.
The open house at Senator Golden’s District Office at 3610 Quentin Road will feature similar attractions and services.
Senator Golden stated, "It is an annual tradition of mine to host an open house at my office and invite the community to visit with my staff and I. My office is a location where this community can turn to seek assistance with matters of concern and I encourage people to attend these open houses and let me know what is on their mind so that I can continue my efforts to make this community a better place to live, work and raise a family."