Senator Golden Salutes Brooklyn Rhodes Scholar In Albany

Albany- State Senator Marty Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) honored Brooklyn College student Eugene Shenderov upon the occasion of his earning a 2005 Rhodes Scholarship with a New York State Senate Resolution which was read and presented to Mr. Shenderov in the State Senate Chamber. Senator Golden also had Eugene Shenderov, along with Brooklyn College President Christopher Kimmich, as guests on his Brooklyn Community Access Television Show, "Legislative Report with Senator Golden".
Eugene Shenderov has maintained a 4.0 grade point average at Brooklyn College and is active within the community. Mr. Shenderov is a graduate of Edward R. Murrow High School, is President of the Brooklyn College Chess Team, a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society at Brooklyn College, and is the Director of the Brooklyn College Emergency Medical Squad.
Senator Golden stated, "In Eugene, we have a future leader of not only New York, but of this great country. I was honored to welcome him to the New York State Capitol to honor his outstanding achievement. I wish continued success and I am confident that as a 2005 Rhodes Scholarship, the most famous scholarship in the world, he will have the opportunity to make advancements and achieve success that will benefit all of society."