Senator Golden To Serve As Chairman Of Senate Aging Committee For Second Term
Albany- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District) has been re-appointed to serve a second term as the Chairman of the New York State Senate Aging Committee by Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno. His term expires in December, 2006.
"I thank Senator Majority Leader Bruno for re-appointing me to this very important position which allows me the opportunity to formulate and develop policy that will make better the lives of all New York’s seniors. Throughout my first term as Chairman of the Aging Committee, I have maintained an aim which is to allow New York’s elderly to live their lives with independence, dignity and choice," said Senator Marty Golden.
"This past session, I am most proud to have worked towards the passage of an Assisted Living Bill. This new law will allow for safe living for our seniors who are forced to live with assistance due to the effects of illness. It was a necessary law because as our population ages, seniors are demanding more options, where individuals can remain in a homelike setting where housing, health care, medical care and support services are offered," continued Golden.
"I will continue to gear my efforts towards reducing the cost of prescription drugs. At the top of my legislative agenda is the establishment of legislation that will create a bulk-purchasing prescription plan, legislation that will increase the EPIC eligibility limit, and legislation to establish a prescription drug price listing easily accesbile to seniors. Senior should no longer have to sacrifice a meal for medication," stated Senator Golden.
As Chairman, Senator Golden has traveled throughout his district and the State of New York meeting with the elderly to gauge a better understanding of the needs of New York’s seniors. Senator Golden has authored two legislative reports and is completing his third outlining the needs of New York’s senior citizens