Senator Nozzolio Gets Backing Of Senate In Fighting Cayugas Land Trust Bid

Albany – Continuing his aggressive efforts to ensure area Indian tribes pay property and sales taxes, New York State Senator Michael F. Nozzolio (R-Fayette) and his Senate colleagues today adopted a legislative resolution calling for the U.S. Department of the Interior to reject the application of the Cayuga Indian Nation to place their real estate holdings in trust or declared “restricted fee”. Either designation would make their property permanently sovereign and free from taxation.
In the wake of the recent landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that Indian tribes must pay taxes on their property in New York, the Cayuga Indian Nation has filed an application to put their land into federal trust to avoid government taxation and regulation.
“Through their application to the United States Department of the Interior, the Cayuga Indian Nation is looking for back-door sovereignty and attempting to disregard the United States Supreme Court” said Senator Nozzolio. “By adopting today’s legislative resolution, my colleagues in the State Senate have shown their full support for my position that the Cayuga Indian Nation should not be allowed to continue to avoid paying taxes.”
“My constituents affected by the land claim settlement should be pleased that the New York State Senate is championing their cause in their fight for Indian taxation,” continued Nozzolio. “Collection of taxes on Indian properties is fair, will level the playing field for our area businesses, and I will continue to fight to see that it is accomplished.”
Last week, Senator Nozzolio called for federal representatives Boehlert, Schumer and Clinton to join him in opposing any efforts to impose a tax free reservation for the Cayuga Indian Nation and urged local officials to contact the U.S. Department of the Interior and their federal representatives to voice their opposition.
In a letter to the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, Nozzolio directly called for the rejection of any application from the Cayuga Indian Nation to put their land into federal trust or declared “restricted fee.