Senator Saland Announces Grant For Town Of Clinton Court

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,C Poughkeepsie) has been advised by the State’s Chief Administrative Judge, Jonathan Lippman, that justice court in the Town of Clinton will be awarded a $1,361 grant under the State’s Justice Assistance Program. The grants are used to purchase equipment needed to facilitate their operations.

"I am pleased to announce this grant for the Town of Clinton," said Senator Saland. "Our justice courts are the courts that members of the local community most often turn to for redress."

New York’s nearly 1,500 justice courts preside over non-felony criminal and motor vehicle prosecutions, small civil claims and landlord-tenant disputes. In 1999 the State Legislature established the Justice Court Assistance Program to provide supplementary state assistance in the form of small monetary grants to the town and village justice courts.