Senator Saland Reacts To Executive Budget

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,C Poughkeepsie) today provided the following reaction to Governor Pataki’s 2005-2006 Executive Budget Proposal.

" I am pleased that the Governor continues to emphasize economic development by including new tax cuts and reforms to attract businesses to New York. Despite these challenging times, it is critical we invest in our State’s future by advancing proposals to stimulate job growth," said Senator Saland.

"With regard to education, as the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, I am committed to protecting educational opportunities for all students in the State," said Senator Saland. "The Governor has proposed an increase in school aid of $526 million, the largest ever proposed by any Governor of New York. As part of that proposal, he has advanced a Sound Basic Education (SBE) plan in an effort to meet the needs of students across our state," Saland continued.

"I am also pleased that the Governor has recognized the importance of reforming Medicaid," said Senator Saland. "Medicaid and education comprise the greatest portion of New York’s budget. It is imperative that the skyrocketing costs of the Medicaid system be addressed to provide relief to taxpayers. The Governor has demonstrated his commitment to reform by proposing cost containment measures coupled with a cap on local costs," Saland continued.

"Governor Pataki has once again emphasized how important it is that we lower the tax burden on families, individuals, and our businesses," said Senator Saland.

"There is no doubt that we are faced with many difficult decisions in the coming months as we negotiate the terms of the 2005-2006 State Budget, particularly in light of an estimated $4.2 billion deficit," remarked Saland. "We will immediately begin the process of reviewing the Governor’s proposal and crafting our response. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, an on-time budget will remain a priority for myself and my Senate colleagues," Saland concluded.