Senator Morahan Urges Residents To Prepare For Severe Winter Weather With Storm Disaster Kits

Thomas P. Morahan

Senator Thomas P. Morahan (R-C, New City) is urging residents in his district to prepare their family for the severe winter weather that lies ahead by building a winter storm disaster kit.

The Senator noted that nine federal disasters have been declared in New York State in the last six years as the result of severe snow and ice storms. During such events, entire communities can be left without power for days, leaving families without running water and no means to cook food.

"Acting now to assemble a winter storm preparedness kit that contains the essential items your family needs is critically important because once a blizzard warning is issued, residents usually flock to the supermarket and empty the shelves," Senator Morahan noted. "Families shouldn’t wait until the last minute to get ready by stocking up on the items they’ll need to weather the next storm."

The senator suggested that a basic winter storm preparedness kit should include: a three-day supply of bottled water and non-cooked food for each family member; a non-electric can opener; a battery-operated radio and extra batteries; a flashlight and candles; garbage bags for sanitation; paper plates and plasticware; rock salt and shovel; and a fire extinguisher.

Examples of non-perishable food that could be included in a disaster kit are: ready to eat meat, fruit and vegetables; dry cereal or granola; protein or fruit bars; peanut butter; dried fruit; crackers; canned juices; and non-perishable pasteurized milk.

Families should also take into account their individual needs when building a kit and make sure that they include an adequate supply of all prescription medications that are needed on a daily basis such as insulin, heart medicine and asthma inhalers. Other items such as formula and diapers should be included if the household includes an infant.
