Senator Morahan Welcomes Home Military Police Company From Iraq
Senator ThomasMorahan delivered welcoming remarks tosoldiers from the 812th Military Police Company, who returned from active duty in Iraq. The Senator joined family and friends of the returning soldiersat a special ceremony at the Orangeburg Army Reserve Center. The soldiers,many of whom reside in Rockland County, were presented with theWelcome Home Warrior-Citizen Award.
The award goes to all Army Reserve soldiers who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, and is part of a federal recognition program enacted by Congress in 2004.
"These young men and women who have been to Iraq are models for our youngsters and for our courage as a country," Senator Morahan said in his opening remarks. "We welcome you home."
Senator Morahan was joined by the brigade commander, Col. John Cornelius, who handedawards to the returning soldiers.
The soldiers were mobilized in January 2003 and sent to Iraq in April 2003 for nine months.The company returned from Iraq as the most decorated Army Reserve company from New York since World War II. The unit was based in Baghdad and, as military police, did street patrols, detainee operations, police intelligence and area security.Nine soldiers were wounded during the deployment, but none were killed.
The Welcome Home Warrior-Citizen Awardconsists of an encased American flag, a commemorative coin, a soldier and spouse lapel pin set, and a Welcome Home Warrior-Citizen Flag.