Senator Secures State Grant For Construction Of RCC Child-care Center
Senator Morahan has secured a State grant towards construction of an expanded early childhood Learning Development Center at Rockland Community College.
"This project will benefit many residents who are in need of infant care and child care," said Senator Morahan
The two-year community college plans to start construction of a 7,200-square-foot modern facility that will service infants to children 12 years of age. The facility will accommodate up to 58 children on a full-time basis and about another 40 part time.
The facility will replace the center's 1,800-square-foot section of Building D on the campus. Construction on the $1.6 million building is expected to open in early 2007.
Designed by Horizon Designs of Watertown, Mass., the facility will include four classrooms, a parent-resource room, a staff-resource room, a meeting area, a kitchen, a multipurpose room and observation spaces for students in RCC's teacher-education program.
Faculty offices for other college programs — nursing, occupational therapy, disability services and life skills — that share Building D with the child-care center will be moved elsewhere on campus.