Senator Dale M. Volker Announces $50,000 For The Town Of Wethersfield Salt Shed Construction
(Albany, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-I-C, Depew) today announced that he has secured $50,000 in state funding for the construction of a salt shed for the Town of Wethersfield. The funding was secured as part of the adopted 2004-2005 adopted state budget.
"The Town of Wethersfield has, for several years, stored their sand and salt in the open which has made leaching a major issue for this small municipality," said Senator Dale M. Volker. "The costs associated with building a new salt shed for the Town of Wethersfield, without state financial support, could have impacted taxpayers and placed a financial burden on this small municipality. It is clear that the town is making every effort to better store its sand and salt from the snow and rain, which can damage these materials that are used during inclement weather conditions. I am pleased to have worked with Town of Wethersfield Supervisor John F. Copeland to bring this project to realty to protect the town’s taxpayers and ensure that the roadways in this area are safe for driving public-at-large during the winter months."
John F. Copeland, Town Supervisor for the Town of Wethersfield said, "This is tremendous news for the Town of Wethersfield. We knew from the beginning that building a new salt shed could be cost-prohibitive and that is why we contacted Senator Volker for his assistance. The $50,000 that the Senator secured will now allow us to move forward with this project is a timely manner to protect our sand and salt materials that we use during the winter months to de-ice the roads. I would like to personally thank Senator Volker for his continued commitment to the Town of Wethersfield in securing state resources that improve our communities."
"Salt sheds may not have the glitter and pizzazz of a new bridge or a restructured highway, but they are the meat and potatoes of a highway program designed to ease the burden on communities as they try to cope with the tantrums of Mother Nature," said Senator Volker. "An added plus in building this salt shed is that it will also reduce contamination of the environment by salt piled on bare ground. This is a win for the Town of Wethersfield and a win for our environment."