Senator Dale M. Volker Announces New State Law Making Prescription Drug Prices Posted On Internet
(Albany, NY) Senator Dale M. Volker (R-I-C, Depew) today announced a new law that will require prescription drug prices to be posted online to give consumers easy access to the drug price list, allowing them to electronically comparison shop for prescription drugs on the Internet and help senior citizens save money.
"I am grateful to Governor Pataki for signing this legislation into law as it will profoundly improve competition amongst pharmacies, drug stores, and other venues where individuals purchase their prescription drugs. With greater competition comes greater savings, better prices and improved customer service." said Senator Dale M. Volker. "Many our seniors pay large amounts of money for their medicines in order to stay healthy, and this will allow them to comparison shop so that they can get the best deal possible. Additionally, by allowing people to price compare online by zip code, seniors will have the convenience of being a computer keystroke away from getting the best price at the closet location."
This law (S.1936-A, Chap. 293) will require pharmacies to provide the same list electronically each week to the Department of Health, who will make the prices available on their web site. Signs will be posted in pharmacies notifying consumers that the price list is online and the address of the web site. The web site will be searchable by zip code and other factors.