Senator Volker Announces Funding For Several Organizations In Wyoming County
Senator Volker’s Availability for TOMORROW--Friday July 8th
(Albany, NY) On Friday, July 8th, Senator Dale M. Volker will announce state funding that he secured as part of the adopted 2005-2006 State Budget for several organizations located throughout Wyoming County.
All Media is welcomed to attend and participate in Question and Answers following the presentations. Events will take place punctually.
12:00 PM
, FRIDAY--JULY 8thAttica Central School District
3338 East Main Street
Attica, New York 14011
585-591-0400, Extension 1000
Senator Dale M. Volker
Bryce Thompson, Superintendent of Attica Central School District
1:00 PM
, FRIDAY--JULY 8thWyoming County Probation Officers
Government Center, 143 North Main Street
Warsaw, New York 14569
Senator Dale M. Volker
A.D. Berwanger, Chairman of the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors
1:30 PM, FRIDAY--JULY 8th
Wyoming County IDA
Government Center, 143 North Main Street
Warsaw, New York 14569
Senator Dale M. Volker
A.D. Berwanger, Chairman of the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors
2:15 PM
, FRIDAY--JULY 8thArcade "Cabin in the Park"
Village Park, Java Lake Road
Town of Arcade
Arcade, New York
Senator Dale M. Volker
A.D. Berwanger, Chairman of the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors
Maggie Morgan
2:30 PM
, FRIDAY--JULY 8thArcade Little League
5914 Java Lake Road
Arcade, New York 14009
Senator Dale M. Volker
Jerry Crabb, President of the Arcade Little League
Dave Brass, Vice President of the Arcade Little League