Senator Skelos Visits Life House In Cedarhurst

Dean G. Skelos

New York State Senator Dean G. Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) visited the LIFE House located in Cedarhurst to see the facility and recognize the wonderful accomplishments which the learning center has made. Senator Skelos, a long time supporter of Labor & Industry For Education (LIFE), has a special affection for children with special needs. Over the past several years he has secured grants from the New York State Education Department for LIFE programs that services at-risk youth. Senator Skelos provided the LIFE House with a $15,000 grant last year to provide an academic and recreational program for children at-risk in conjunction with the Tempo Group.

The LIFE House is a great resource for the learning disabled within the community," said Senator Skelos. "I am happy to have been able to help in the development of this center, and I know that with the leadership of Rabbi Lefkowitz and Rabbi Bernstein the LIFE House is going to educate and improve the lives of many disabled children and young adults."

The Senator was quite amazed how Cognitive Restructuring techniques developed by Dr. Michael Foox, were changing the lives of many LifeTech participants. Rabbi Reuven Bernstein, the center’s Educational director, described how this method is being applied to special needs individuals who leave the educational system at eighteen and whose education ceases. He said, "We believe that intelligence is not fixed and that it is possible to stimulate atrophied cognitive areas of the mind –the results are startling." The Senator was quite impressed and vowed to support an initiative to increase service in this area. At the close of the visit Rabbi Simcha Lefkowitz, the Executive Director of The LIFE Learning Centers presented the Senator with an award for his dedication and support of LIFE’s programs. The award is a painting with the theme world peace, since with peace and tranquility all things can be accomplished.

Through a grant acquired by Senator Skelos in the amount of $15,000, the LIFE organization was able to move forward on this extremely important community program. Without Senator Skelos’ assistance, this program would not be where it is today.

The LifeTech Learning Center specializes in treating children with educational, social and emotional issues.